Similar to a pillowcase, this light gray king cotton blend 1000 thread count washable duvet cover set is intended to encase your duvet or comforter for added protection. With sturdy construction from cotton blend, the covering is designed to be soft and long lasting. The versatile design of this bedding gives you the perfect warmth to give you relaxation, style, and comfort all year long. King sizing is perfect for the primary bedroom. This duvet cover is perfect for relaxation. Throw on your slippers and climb into bed for a restful night’s sleep, lazy days and movie nights at home. Style, durability, and comfort combine so you can rest easy knowing that you're covered duvet cover. 11-inch H x 9-inch W x 4.5-inch D Gray King Cotton Blend 1000 Thread Count Washable Duvet Cover Set & Bath/Bed & Bath/Down Comforters and Duvets/Top Categories/Furniture56661657721Similar to a pillowcase, this light gray king cotton blend 1000 thread count washable duvet cover set is intended to encase your duvet or comforter for added protection. With sturdy construction from cotton blend, the covering is designed to be soft and long lasting. The versatile design of this bedding gives you the perfect warmth to give you relaxation, style, and comfort all year long. King sizing is perfect for the primary bedroom. This duvet cover is perfect for relaxation. Throw on your slippers and climb into bed for a restful night’s sleep, lazy days and movie nights at home. Style, durability, and comfort combine so you can rest easy knowing that you're covered duvet cover. 11-inch H x 9-inch W x 4.5-inch Dhomeroots bed & bath00 to a pillowcase, this light gray king cotton blend 1000 thread count washable duvet cover set is intended to encase your duvet or comforter for added protection. With sturdy construction from cotton blend, the covering is designed to be soft and long lasting. The versatile design of this bedding gives you the perfect warmth to give you relaxation, style, and comfort all year long. King sizing is perfect for the primary bedroom. This duvet cover is perfect for relaxation. Throw on your slippers and climb into bed for a restful night’s sleep, lazy days and movie nights at home. Style, durability, and comfort combine so you can rest easy knowing that you're covered duvet cover. 11-inch H x 9-inch W x 4.5-inch Dprice:136.510000weight:1.000000manufacturer:homeroots bed & bathimage:/1/5/159971584.jpgsmall_image:/1/5/159971584.jpgthumbnail:/1/5/159971584.jpgstatus:Enabledvisibility:Catalog, Searchcustom_design:-- Please Select --page_layout:No layout updatesoptions_container:Block after Info Columncreated_at:2024-03-10 09:57:22updated_at:2024-08-21 02:50:05country_of_manufacture: custom_layout:No layout updatesmsrp:121.490000msrp_display_actual_price_type:Use configprice_view:Price Rangeshipment_type:Togethergift_message_available:Noswatch_image:/1/5/159971584.jpgtax_class_id:Taxable Goodswesupply_estimation_display:Yesin_html_sitemap:Yesuse_in_crosslinking:Yesin_xml_sitemap:Yesstripe_sub_enabled:Nogoogleshopping_exclude:Nofeatured:Yessw_featured:Nosku:HR528119description:Similar to a pillowcase, this light gray king cotton blend 1000 thread count washable duvet cover set is intended to encase your duvet or comforter for added protection. With sturdy construction from cotton blend, the covering is designed to be soft and long lasting. The versatile design of this bedding gives you the perfect warmth to give you relaxation, style, and comfort all year long. King sizing is perfect for the primary bedroom. This duvet cover is perfect for relaxation. Throw on your slippers and climb into bed for a restful night’s sleep, lazy days and movie nights at home. Style, durability, and comfort combine so you can rest easy knowing that you're covered duvet cover. 11-inch H x 9-inch W x 4.5-inch Dprice:136.510000weight:1.000000manufacturer:homeroots bed & bathimage:/1/5/159971584.jpgsmall_image:/1/5/159971584.jpgthumbnail:/1/5/159971584.jpgstatus:Enabledvisibility:Catalog, Searchcustom_design:-- Please Select --page_layout:No layout updatesoptions_container:Block after Info Columncreated_at:2024-03-10 09:57:22updated_at:2024-08-21 02:50:05country_of_manufacture: custom_layout:No layout updatesmsrp:121.490000msrp_display_actual_price_type:Use configprice_view:Price Rangeshipment_type:Togethergift_message_available:Noswatch_image:/1/5/159971584.jpgtax_class_id:Taxable Goodswesupply_estimation_display:Yesin_html_sitemap:Yesuse_in_crosslinking:Yesin_xml_sitemap:Yesstripe_sub_enabled:Nogoogleshopping_exclude:Nofeatured:Yessw_featured:Nosku:HR528119description:Similar to a pillowcase, this light gray king cotton blend 1000 thread count washable duvet cover set is intended to encase your duvet or comforter for added protection. With sturdy construction from cotton blend, the covering is designed to be soft and long lasting. The versatile design of this bedding gives you the perfect warmth to give you relaxation, style, and comfort all year long. King sizing is perfect for the primary bedroom. This duvet cover is perfect for relaxation. Throw on your slippers and climb into bed for a restful night’s sleep, lazy days and movie nights at home. Style, durability, and comfort combine so you can rest easy knowing that you're covered duvet cover. 11-inch H x 9-inch W x 4.5-inch Dprice:136.510000weight:1.000000manufacturer:homeroots bed & bathimage:/1/5/159971584.jpgsmall_image:/1/5/159971584.jpgthumbnail:/1/5/159971584.jpgstatus:Enabledvisibility:Catalog, Searchcustom_design:-- Please Select --page_layout:No layout updatesoptions_container:Block after Info Columncreated_at:2024-03-10 09:57:22updated_at:2024-08-21 02:50:05country_of_manufacture: custom_layout:No layout updatesmsrp:121.490000msrp_display_actual_price_type:Use configprice_view:Price Rangeshipment_type:Togethergift_message_available:Noswatch_image:/1/5/159971584.jpgtax_class_id:Taxable Goodswesupply_estimation_display:Yesin_html_sitemap:Yesuse_in_crosslinking:Yesin_xml_sitemap:Yesstripe_sub_enabled:Nogoogleshopping_exclude:Nofeatured:Yessw_featured:No2024-03-10 09:57:22-- Please Select --No layout updatesSimilar to a pillowcase, this light gray king cotton blend 1000 thread count washable duvet cover set is intended to encase your duvet or comforter for added protection. With sturdy construction from cotton blend, the covering is designed to be soft and long lasting. The versatile design of this bedding gives you the perfect warmth to give you relaxation, style, and comfort all year long. King sizing is perfect for the primary bedroom. This duvet cover is perfect for relaxation. Throw on your slippers and climb into bed for a restful night’s sleep, lazy days and movie nights at home. Style, durability, and comfort combine so you can rest easy knowing that you're covered duvet cover. 11-inch H x 9-inch W x 4.5-inch DYesNoNo/1/5/159971584.jpgYesYeshomeroots bed & bath121.490000Use configBlock after Info ColumnNo layout updates136.510000Price RangeTogetherHR528119/1/5/159971584.jpgEnabledNo/1/5/159971584.jpgNoTaxable Goods/1/5/159971584.jpg2024-08-21 02:50:05YesCatalog, Search1.000000Yes